1. Revenue must be increase in year to year basis
营业额从2010年起都有增加, 年增长幅度达20%以上。2014年3季的营业额已达27275(即2013年全年业绩的82%),全年增长必定大幅超越(一般第4季是最高业绩季)!
2. Net profit margin double digits (or single to double digits)
鸡蛋的利润不高,一般没有超过10%。从2009年的6%一直成长到2011的10%,之后2012年利润降低至6.4% (大豆玉米等饲料价格上涨),再上升至2013年的7%。目前大豆玉米价格处于稳定水平,中长期的供应料稳定,对家禽业是一大利好因素。
3. Current ratio more than 2, or growing to more than 2
这个是1.024, 代表公司短期(一年内)偿债能力弱
4. ROE growing to double digit,or single to double digit
基本上连续5年都是double digit,2012年的全面滑落后目前缓缓上升中
5. Net debt to Equity, prefer 0 or less than 0.5 (i.e. no debt)
0.377 < 0.5, 可接受范围
6. Cash Ratio more than 1, or at least more than 0.5
7. PE between 5-10 (with the exception of cyclical company)
目前三季的EPS总和为15.328 (已经超越2013年全年总和 ), 预计下一季会增高不少。我保守的用了全年20cents的EPS除于我的平均价2.45, PE = 12.25 (不算便宜,但是在可接受范围内)
1. 公司有合理的盈利 - 有
2. 公司有合理的股息 - 有
3. 公司有适度的成长 - 有
4. 公司财务稳健 - 现金流和偿债能力比较弱
5. 购入时股价合理 -合理是合理,只是没什么安全边际。(以我的买入价来看)如果在10左右或8左右买入,就是个不错的投资哦~
数据显示公司的现金流和偿债能力比较弱。Trade Receivable高过Trade Payable很多。在商我会比较喜欢欠人钱多过别人欠我的钱:D,风险转嫁嘛。
- 集团将投资5,000万令吉在哥打丁宜Sungai Linggui开设一个面积为109.3公顷的鸡蛋养殖场。后者将在未来三年分四个阶段发展。
- 尽管目前在峇株巴辖(Batu Pahat)拥有近20家鸡蛋养殖场,但集团选择在哥打丁宜设立鸡蛋养殖场的原因是哥打丁宜更靠近新加坡,当集团把鸡蛋运送到新加坡时,其成本效率将会提高。
删除good...eventually u dissect the egg....any plan to top up & pull down the average price?
Most likely I won't because I've vested quite a lot in TeoSeng. I will wait till next quarter and see how. If the price is going to shoot up, it will still earn with my avg price :p
删除我的买入价也和你一样RM2.45. ^_^
谢谢你,现在就等待特别股息,红股和free warrant吧!^^
删除要付费的,我subscribe的是valueXpert. 里面资料排美美给你啦。
删除我是觉得很不错啦,价格我忘记了(应该是新币1百多/年)。好像是有trial period的,有兴趣可以申请看看,不要cut 掉就好了。
很多细节我都忘记了,最好申请时看仔细一些。还不错的工具啦 (我觉得啦)XD
If one day after Ex-date i sell it off, will i still get the bonus issues, dividend & warrant? Thanks!
if you sell your share after ex-date (provided the ex-date for all entitlement is the same), you still entitled for all dividend and free gift as your share has been recorded in the book. (same rule applies: you wont be entitled for anything you buy on and after ex date)
删除But hor, pls dun sell it on the day or the day after ex date, confirm the price will adjust accordingly. If the entitlement date is before 4th financial report, chances are the price might up a bit if the result is good. just my 2 cents. :)
Ok. Thanks for your reply and advise...
Any advice for the entry price? Just for reference.
回复删除Hi HY, I myself trapped at 2.45 hence probably not in a good position to advice you. With current price $2.1, PE is ard 10.5; $2 PE=10. Anything below $2 should be a good price (I hope it won't plunge that much la XD). In fact current price consider good to me, but pls don't all in.
删除Mr. Market is a bit unpredictable now hence pls always keep some cash with you. Price up - u earn, price down - option to average down if u want. :)
守得云开? 特别股息 23/12/2014 过数,其他附送的还没公布确定日期。
回复删除我的入场价 2.23 - 0.05仙 = 2.18 才买了 400 股~ XD
看看免费股有多少,回本后会保留免费股给他继续滚~ XD
= wendy =