1.never lose money
2.never forget rule no.1
加油哦!夜里也睡得香些 :)
删除I also want to sellllllllllllllll.....but now paper gain only half of last time...if i sell now like not confident in this counter still perform better....Now i also applying Rule no. 1. If apply rule no. 1 you won't be panic if company fundamental still strong. Just matter of time.
ya.. i always remind myself for rule no.1, so die die must wait till rebounce...hahahahah
删除i felt heart pain to sell partial too, confirm kiss goodbye to my "pre-owned profit". However, I'm not very confident to Mr. Market now, so better play safe.
Chances will always be there, only people with patient and prepare can be the final winner. Your paper gain MUCH better than mine, hope TS will continue to rise.. i still have remaining shares waited to be shine!!
good. finally you understand. no future in egg biz. luckily you sold them.
删除Er... I didn't sold all ne, but thx for your 祝贺 XD
删除個人小想法, 網路上分享的股票, 的確很多是好股,
回复删除但如果有太多抄短線的小魚看到而買它, 想博個小利, 大魚反而沒有興趣去抄,
可想而知, 到最後的結果就像OSK.
而我本身也有OSK, 套利了40%, 剩下60%, 就因為我的平均本不到2元, 才留著.
删除你的OSK成本好便宜,有“本钱”可以等啦。所以有时候看别人分享也要大概了解全盘计划,有时卖不是坏事,买也不是坏事,都是根据自己的portfolio & strategy 调整而已。