看到股市节节败退,突然想知道是谁在卖股,谁在支撑股市。感谢网友Kian Leong Teh的热心告知,让我知道了一个可以读取资料的网站。
source from http://thesun-epaper.com
(基本面好像都不看这些东西的XD, 但是如果基本面极好却碰到大市崩盘 - 我非常清楚自己的个性,心情还是会随着股价起舞的。所以找适合自己的投资最重要啦 ^^)
last few days a lot discounted counters....super nice...here collect few keping there collect few keping..haha...
Hahaha, I enter the market too early, now waiting for cash to pump in.. Feel excited too :p
删除Hi Rachel,
回复删除I know you are a fundamental investor, but it is helpful sometime to refer to technical chart indication. Refer to below link...
Check out chart no. 3 - Monthly Trend Analysis for the US index. you can see that when the PMO black line cross below red line signal beginning of previous 2 bear market. But this chart is only valid after 30/4/15 us market close(ie. our Friday morning)
Their main page also featuring some very experience technical analyst webinar recording, in case you are interested. That chart was updated by Erin, her webinar is on every Wednesday night(last one is 29/4/15)
Hope this will give you some clue on status of the market...
Thanks Alex, you are really passionate and helpful in investment. I always wish to learn technical analysis but the chart really bored me a lot. Thanks for the insight and link, I will look into that and see if I could understand.
删除Investment is truly an art. :)
CNMC now 0.260 going back to ur entry price, gd news for u?
回复删除I'm waiting for 0.25 :p