

过去一年的油价崩跌,让传统的Oil & Gas行业陷入哀嚎中,不断地听到公司裁员的消息。慢慢地行业“扩散”到了金融业和景气不好的公司;最近的例子有Barclay全面撤出台湾市场,所有员工被资遣; 和Shell裁员10000的计划等。

事不关己高高挂起,很多时候我们不是当事人无法了解当下的心情。幸运的人会获得一笔赔偿金,可以让生活暂时无忧。而我可能一直都是不幸的,employment contract里一直都是推崇“你情我愿”的法则。

用白话讲就是给你notice period啦,一封谢谢你的资遣信便可以将你送走。不要认为赔偿金是必须的,除非合约内有白字黑字写下,不然真的只能依赖运气和管理层的决定了。


朋友转述公司老板的话:the more will come.
photo credited to miitip.org
我们都是幸运的一份子,因为我们有能力居安思危。这篇文章也在提醒自己,emergency fund已经剩下3个月了,不能再乱用救命钱去买股票。


5 条评论:

  1. Really uncertain our life. I also sick 3 months already. My heart almost stop few times. Each month work few days rest many days. Losing my job. My emergency fund can last around half year. Spend a lot on the buying products and so on. Those insurance can't cover at all. After that my parents and I need to sleep on the street and eat roadside grass. Life is so....


    1. OMG, are you feeling better now? Health is utmost important and I really hope you are recovering now. Please rest well for few months, and government hospital can provide medical assistance with cheap cost (although waiting time could be longer).

      I remember you are a frugal person with careful financial planning, 6 mths emergency funds consider not bad in Malaysia. The crucial part now is to get well so please don't
      give up, life will reward a persistent person.


  2. Thanks! I should have more but i had spent few 10k to find the cure. Now the company insurance still cover me to see the G.P. and specialist. These few months almost everyday i eat the same food and i can't go the malls. Now the TCM holding me alive. Every 4 days, i have to see the TCM doctor once. Haven't found the cure yet. However, i can't give up yet. Struggling to live...


    1. Good know know you are still fighting! Not sure what's going hence dare not to give any recommendation, guess doctor and TCM are far more professional than me.

      I know a good TCM who is staying at Klang, he is my parent's friend and I heard he is quite good in TCM and western medication. Let me know if you need another doctor diagnose and I can email you his contact details. He is staying at Klang.

      Really hope to get your message and said you are fully recover. I believe that day will come soon, 加油!!

  3. KSM Secretary general involved in adultery with manager. a very serious case and must be rectify. MCA leaders should take stern action against this "hamsap lim"
    Limengkokk involved sex scandal with estee leong and should be considered as very serious matter.
    hamsap lim is a very cunning man and expert in cheating

